Excellence In Prosthetics & Orthotics

Accion Rehab

956 630-0209



Do I need an appointment to be seen by a clinician?

 No you do not need an appointment. However, our clinicians are also responsible for on-demand hospital calls and may not be available when you do visit. You invite the risk of waiting some time to be evaluated or asked to schedule an appointment another time. It is best to call ahead and set an appointment, even if it is for the next hour.

Do you take appointments on weekends or after hours?

You are welcome to request this courtesy and we leave that to the discretion of our clinicians. Key personnel are on call to hospitals and we understand that missing work hours is difficult to do. So sometimes our clinicians make appointments on off hours but it is needs to be within reason.

If I accept a product and take it home; then decide I do not like it, may I return it?

Not usually accepted.  Most of our products are custom made to fit you and the doctor order. Our responsibility is to provide the best product to meet the order written by the doctor.  We respect and honor your decision to not accept a product while in the clinic. We will turn to other resources to provide a product that gives you the support you need and meets the doctor order. 

If my copay or deductible is over $100.00 may I make it in payments?

This is to the discretion of our administration. Accion Rehab as of 2015 is still a local  owned business. Our service should be paid in a reasonable time just like a major auto repair or home maintenance. There are certain instances where we do allow payments within 30 to 60 days.

What happens if my child outgrows the brace or prosthesis ?

All of the medical care team knows and understands that children grow.. fast!  We make adjustment for comfort and growth on a regular basis  for comfort and best fit. That can be three to six times in a five month to two year period as your child grows. Then when the brace or prosthesis is outgrown we request and order for a follow product and that is usually approved.